This is typically seen when the VNC Server computer either has no mouse attached to it, or no displays connected. making everything a little smaller (similar to image resizing techniques in graphics programs). This application has its advantages and disadvantages too. However, I have one problem, which is that the vncviewer.
I am trying to access my pi remotely using VNC. What is VNC? VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is yet very similar to that of Teamviewer. Going to screen resolution, the display is set to "display device on: Mobile PC Display" the host computer is not plugged into a monitor but that should not even matter, as I am connected using vnc using a tightvnc client. It consists of a VNC® Server app for the computer you want to control, which must be licensed, and a VNC® Viewer app that you are free to download to all the devices you want to control from. Here are a few of the events going on this year.
But after setting the new screen size in raspi-config (bigger than the default) i get a small desktop in a big black window in the VNC viewer. In Raspbian the default username and password are pi and raspberry respectively. So when I connect my computer through vnc, the host computer displays the resolution of 640x480. This change alone got me most of the improvement I see. 6000 (for Linux) The port 6000 is used by VNC Viewer for Linux computers. From here, you can see which ports are being used and which ones are available.